Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fad diets

Hi all...

i've received a lot of attention for my personal post (you know which one) some positive, some negative.... it makes me wonder whether i've made a mistake sharing such a personal story on the web.... i know that it's human nature to judge and getting judged is the consequence of posting something on the web and i should've known better.....

i never wanted to GO IN DEPTH about the personal story... because
1) i don't want anyone to ever feel sorry for me(i made this known from the beginning) 
2)it's way to complicated to explain, i just wanted to convey the meat and bones of it and i tried to avoid further judgement

i thought i'd never have to clarify this(and it annoys the heck out of me that i have to) but i guess i do
1)when i wrote i stayed home and DO NOTHING,it isn't by CHOICE.. I HAVE to stay home....if you don't have a newborn then you will never understand.. having a nanny and maid doesn't mean you can just leave your baby with them and have all your problems solved...

 2) when i wrote that i stayed home and DO nothing ,i don't literally mean DO NOTHING... what i meant was i could not DO WHAT I WANT TO DO...there's nothing I FIND TO BE WORTHWHILE TO DO.... and again it annoys me to have to explain . I sell imported almonds/healthy food products such as cranberry/apricot/blueberry through my blackberry(at home business)...i guess i will go into it more , but it's another blog post(maybe a good opportunity to sell more stuff as well).
I also sell imported japanese food items(such as unagi, octupus, and tobiko).. the amount of money i'm getting from doing this is MINIMAL, and i am still yearning for the financial independence i had while working in VANCOUVER.........

 all my personal post is an expression about how i feel... I'M NOT ASKING FOR YOUR HELP... i know maybe some of you mean well.. but please... save it for someone who needs it... 

this blog post is going to be a fun quirky one... 

I used to be a tad heavier... about 54 kgs...
the weight gain started when i worked at MacDonald .. damn you chicken nuggets and fries..... and I've never been able to lose the extra baggage...

College was a stressful time too(exams, assignments, projects ,deadlines and presentations...) i began stuffing myself with pizza and junk food to numb the stress and pressure....

I have a degree in nutritional science but i'm embarrassed to admit that i don't have a very healthy eating habit... i tried a few fad diets .. some worked... some ended terribly.

i guess i could write a boring post about how "the best way to lose weight is through healthy diet low in fat high in fibre/plenty of exercise and blablalbalbalblablalblalblablah..." BLECH.. no fun in that

... i'm going to share with you a few fad diets that i've tried. I guess i've subjected my body through a few harsh experiments... but i was young and stupid.. oh well.... i guess i sacrificed my body for the sake of science and for the reading pleasure of my readers =)

a word of warning though....
take everything with a grain of salt and don't do anything stupid like i did........ unless you want to... and  God forbid if you end up getting hurtm sick or dead... i don't want to be held responsible for it... mmkay??

1) the no carbs/atkins diet

my friend suggested me to do this diet because she has lost some weight...

THE RULES: eat anything you want except carbs, like potato, noodles, rice, bread...etc etc...

at first it sounds like a miracle..... to be able to eat as many chicken wings or steak as i want.... without limiting myself??? wow...dream come true

I tried it for a few days and i got reallyyyyyyyyyyyy sick... as in sick of eating so much oily foods.. i was getting so lightheaded from my low blood glucose... not to mention the nausea from eating so much protein and fat....i did lose weight from not wanting to eat meat(about 1 kg in 3 days)???

I couldn't sleep... u know low blood glucose levels mess up your mood(the brain's main fuel is glucose)... i was depressed..i think my IQ went down.... finally i couldn't stand it anymore

I ate instant noodles and went to bed happy, but the next day i gained all that weight back.... my body craves for glucose so much that i couldn't resist....

so this diet really screwed me over... 
RESULT: depressed, nauseated zombielike behaviour....

2)share half of what you eat with hubby

this one made sense to me... the rule is,, you can eat whatever you want, but just a PORTION of it.. and you have to give the rest to someone to eat(therefore reducing your total caloric intake) this case.. my hubby.. or tobey my dog.....

this one works pretty well , i still do it time to time when i want to eat something... but hubby ends up getting fatter.... but that's okay right?? my mother said that you don't need a handsome sexy husband to be happy.. in fact.. if you have a handsome husband it will bring you more pain because a lot of girls will be chasing after your husband... so the uglier your husband the better..... if you think i'm a lil insane for saying that.. i guess you are right. i guess part of me is a little bit messed up in the head... 


word of advice though... don't try to do this diet when your appetite is through the roof... because you'll just end up eating a little bit of a lot of things...(does that make sense)
if that's the case then make your hubby eat the whole thing, and FORCE your mind to believe that you are the one eating it..... :)

3)the spinach soup( jangan bening) and the terong diet...

you have to cook the spinach soul with no oil/cream/milk
just water, spinach, sweet corn, ginger , a bit of garlic and salt...

so the RULE is.. eat nothing but spinach soup... and terong(terong is eggplant)

i went on this diet before i got married.. and i lost 2 kgs in 2 days...since spinach has carbs in it... my body doesn't crave the sugar.... 

beware..though.. after 1 week of trying this diet.. MY POOP TURNED GREEN.... not like SLIMY GREEN, but deep green.. kinda like cow's dung(it isn't fully digested)... don't ask me how i know what a cow's poop looks like okay...

well ok.. im going to tell you anyways( i once took agricultural science and had to go to a cow's farm as a field trip, those creatures are the smelliest thing ever... they fart every 3 seconds.. seriously.. ) anyways back to topic..

and then after 2 weeks something weird happened.. i had this tremendous headache, and got reallyyyyyyyyy tired all the time...
i thought it was from all the stress and i thought i was going to have a stroke from all the stress( i seriously did.. okay)

and then i called my sister and she told me "poeng (my nickname), ur so stupid it's because of the spinach,, it makes you tired"

i was so grumpy all the time i feel like i want to slap every annoying person with my sandal japit......

i was like... oh yeahhh spinach makes ppl dizzy somehow
.. and i was so relieved that i wasn't going to die ...

VERDICT: try it.. but beware of green poop

4)the 3 instant noodles/frozen dinners a day diet

the idea behind this is restricted calories .... as you know if you take in less calories than you expend.. you lose weight... since counting calories takes a lot of skill, frozen dinners/ instant noodles became an easy method to count calories....

WHY u ask?

because they have the nutrition label in them...

Most people will lose weight at about 1200 kcal/day

and 1 indomie(instant noodle) is about 400 calories... so if you eat 3 instant noodles a day then u will lose weight...

frozen pasta dinners have about 300 calories/package

I tried this while i was in college.. too lazy to cook and not enough money to eat out... so it was perfect...

i did lose weight trying this diet... but after 2 weeks or so
MY skin became lackluster... my lip's hair fell out.. i developed eczema and i COULDN'T SLEEP... 

it's because there are not enough vitamins and minerals in those processed foods.. and the preservatives aren't healthy as well

like.. DUH.. right???
who doesn't know that

5) the heartbreak diet
now this one i never did on purpose... it was when i was still dating Hansen.. and he went back to Indo...we had a fight because we're not used to having a long distance relationship....

i was so stressed... that i locked myself in a room and slept all day... i was so sad .. too sad to eat.. whenever i feel famished.. i would just grab a bag of cheetos... that's all i was winter and it was cold.. so i was too lazy to take the bus to go eat out...and buy groceries...

after a week or so i lost about 2 kgs....

now ladies... during a breakup is the PERFECT time to diet... i'm not wishing you to breakup with your boyfriend.. but God forbid if you do... trust me.. it's the perfect time to lose weight!!!

6)the 10 jumping jacks diet

this one's pretty stupid.. i have to admit... hahahhahahahaha
i invented this diet to  make it harder for me to nible/snack

the rule is....before you take a bite of something,.. you have to do 10 jumping jacks.. now this is for EVERY bite you take....

i tried this.. and after a while i got so tired of doing jumping jacks.. i just went ahead and finish the whole cheeseburger...
so i guess i didn't lose any weight on this one...
oh well i guess my will power wasn't that strong..

anyways.... i hope you enjoy reading this post

this is merely for fun..don't take anything i wrote too seriously okay...



  1. Hahahhaha.. laks.. another one and.. u still make me laugh..
