Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Miniature Madness

Hi all, sorry it's been a while... i'm not busy or anything but i was super addicted to the tv series "24" and since every episode leaves you with a cliffhanger.. i can't help but keep wanting to watch the next one.. finally after 3 seasons of 24, i decided to stop watching coz i feel like my brain is going to explode... lol... since then i still have a crush on Jack Bauer... sigh...my closest friends know i have a weakness for an older man.. like Keifer Sutherland and Daniel Craig...sighhhhh......... <3<3<3

anyways.. this post is about a favourite thing of mine... MINIATURES!!!!....

Ever since i was a little girl... i wanted a dollhouse for my barbie.. alas.. my parents never bought me 1.. even though they kept promising that they would.... and now i'm 27 and i still don't have a barbie dollhouse...

why am i so obsessed with miniatures? it allows you to own everything you want without spending money on the real thing... i like dollhouses that are made with real materials.. not plasticky like barbie dollhouses...

i fell in love with miniatures ever since i visited a miniature museum in victoria... the miniatures they have is awe inspiring

i came across this website..  www.dollhouseheaven.com they have really nice miniatures

they aren't cheap.. they are priced around 300 dollars and up... and they come pre-assembled.... and empty.... and then you can buy things to fill the house... that's why i love it so much.. you can collect things.. and decorate the house as you want.... like a real house...

My dream is to built a mini replica of versailles.. complete with a mini marie antoinette.. lol

here's a miniature of the windsor castle
not everyone can own a castle, but you can own a miniature castle.. lol

here's a cross section of it.. the details are amazing... especially the stairs railing.... 

have you ever wondered what the White house look like on the inside...Here's a huge miniature(oh the oxymoron) of the white house... quite beautiful... 

i especially love the accesories you can put in the dollhouse ... look at the pic above.. it's so intricately put together... notice the perfume bottle and the hatbox.. oh so beautiful!!!

i also love miniature food...

there's even miniature dimsum....

but my absolute favourite miniature food is.. miniature french pastries... it's so marie antoinette!

look at all the pretty pink cakes!

they look delicious don't they??? unfortunately they aren't edible

but in Japan they have these edible miniatures that you can make and eat(oh those japanese people are so damn smart!)

they are called popin'cookin

if you can't read japanese and want to make these... just go to youtube... and type in popin cookin' they teach you how to make them step by step...

now if you want miniature dollhouse but don't have the money....
then just buy the poor man version of a dollhouse
POLLY POCKETS!!!! when i was young i was in love with them, 

the old school ones though.. not the new ones..
for you youngins who doesn't know what poly pockets are.... they are mini plastic dollhouses... that are shaped like powder compacts, they open up to reveal mini dollhouses... so cute..
i have this same exact one.. it's my favourite poly pocket!!
it is a castle with a princess and a prince.. a horse drawn carriage.. it even has a swan .... the castle even lights up..... when my mom bought it for my birthday.. i was soooo happy... i felt so complete hahaha

anyways i'm going to leave you with that...

i hope you guys don't get all nostalgic when i talk about polly pockets... lol


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